Fast Ejendom
Practice areaEt særligt kendetegn ved Plesners Fast Ejendom-team er, at vi løser vores klienters projekter i tæt samarbejde med Plesners øvrige specialistteams. Derfor kan vi på én og samme tid yde højt specialiseret juridisk rådgivning inden for alle dele af det bebyggede miljø samt holde vores klienters overordnede kommercielle interesser for øje i forbindelse med komplekse projekter.
Plesners Fast Ejendom-team er placeret både organisatorisk og fysisk i én faggruppe sammen med Plesners Entreprise-team og Energi- og Infrastruktur-team. Vores faggruppe, der alle beskæftiger sig med forhold inden for det bebyggede miljø, omfatter også sub-teams inden for Asset Management, Almene Boliger, Offentlig Ret, Miljø- og Planret og ESG.
Gennem denne tilgang til samarbejde, hvilket vi anser som unikt i markedet, sikrer vi den bedst mulige udnyttelse af synergieffekterne ved Plesners viden om værdikæderne inden for opførelse, erhvervelse, afhændelse, drift og tvister af alle former for fast ejendom til fordel for vores klienter.
Dertil løser Plesners Fast Ejendom-team også projekter i tæt samarbejde med andre relevante teams uden for faggruppen, eksempelvis Plesners teams inden for Skat, Corporate, Private Funds og Bank og Finansiering.
Selected cases
Invesco acquires two residential properties in Ballerup
Cibus acquires a substantial portfolio of Danish grocery stores
Innovater sells 189 residential units in Vinge
CBRE IM sells 463 residential units in Central Copenhagen
AP Ejendomme develops and constructs a new headquarter for Team Danmark
IPO of Prisma Properties on Nasdaq Stockholm
Catella Real Estate AG sells iconic office building in Copenhagen
GF Forsikring joins forces with AP Pension on the building of a new headquarters
M2 Asset Management AB sells residential portfolio to PenSam
Plesner advises on the acquisition of 64 REMA 1000 properties
Swiss Life Asset Managers Nordic acquires Næstved Storcenter
GN Store Nord enters into agreement on sale and leaseback
CBRE Investment Management acquires Greve Distribution Center
NPV enters into joint venture with AkademikerPension
Novo Holdings and Industriens Pension participate in consortium developing The Railway District (Jernbanebyen) in Copenhagen
Alma Property Partners and RUBIK Properties enter into joint venture
THI Investments acquires "Rød Lagerbygning" ("Red Storage Building")
Invesco acquires three residential projects in Ballerup
Starwood acquires logistics portfolio
CBRE European Residential Impact Fund (ERIF) acquires a newly built residential project
Plesner advises CapMan Real Estate on the purchase of a residential and commercial property in Søborg
Plesner advises Studentbostäder i Norden AB on the acquisition of a development project in Copenhagen
Quadoro acquires Køge Business Park
Our specialists

Peer Meisner

Anders Hermansen

Benjamin Bunnage

Kristoffer Westberg

Caroline Lemminger Jensen

Christian Badstue Pedersen

Christian Gjørtsvang

Elif Öztürk

Emilie Lauenborg Breitenstein

Jesper Morsing

Josephine Heger Søndergaard

Mia Sander

Natascha Ilovaisky Dambæk

Nils Svendsen

Peer Meisner

Anders Hermansen

Benjamin Bunnage

Kristoffer Westberg

Caroline Lemminger Jensen

Christian Badstue Pedersen

Christian Gjørtsvang

Elif Öztürk

Emilie Lauenborg Breitenstein

Jesper Morsing

Josephine Heger Søndergaard

Mia Sander

Natascha Ilovaisky Dambæk

Nils Svendsen

Peer Meisner

"Always available. Quick response. Proficient in understanding and addressing complex professional issues. Down-to-earth advice that considers the scope of the subject and the customer’s needs"
"Very accommodating and ready to take all matters seriously"
"Plesner has provided a 360-degree full service for us. They have a big back office and have efficiently provided us with the best knowledge in their legal house across the different specialties"

"They are highly competent and work well together"

"Plesner have a strong team with specialists in all constructions matters, they are impeccable"
"They have the ability to comprehend complex challenges, and have a good sense of the construction market in general"

"Quick, competent, quality conscious and business-focused team, they know their client and their law and the businesses, and pleasant people to work with"
"Always ready, quick to follow up on requests. Sharp and up to date on relevant legal issues"
"Always quick to see the big picture and understand complex issues. Nice to have the same point of contact. Good service in house and in all matters of correspondence"