Entreprise, kran i horisonten


Practice area
Plesners Entreprise-team rådgiver og håndterer - og har gennem årtier rådgivet og håndteret - de største entrepriseprojekter samt entreprisetvister i Danmark. Vores team er specialiseret og erfarent. Vi rådgiver i hele projektets levetid, lige fra planlægning og aftaleindgåelse til aflevering og afslutning omkring mangler og betaling.

Plesners entreprise-team løser vores klienters projekter og tvister i tæt samarbejde med Plesner øvrige specialistteams. Derfor kan vi på én og samme gang yde højt specialiseret juridisk rådgivning inden for alle dele af byggeri og anlæg samt holde vores klienters overordnede kommercielle interesser for øje i forbindelse med komplekse projekter og tvister.

Vores team af anerkendte juridiske specialister tilbyder alle former for juridiske ydelser og leverer kommercielt orienterede løsninger inden for byggeri og anlæg, herunder inden for store og komplicerede projekter. Teamets dybe tekniske forståelse og evne til nytænkning med hensyn til løsninger, fremdrift og kravsopgørelser er værdiskabende.

Vi rådgiver entreprenører, rådgivere og bygherre samt forsikringsselskaber. Vi stiller vores mangeårige erfaring til rådighed for vores klienter og støtter dem i deres forretning, uanset hvad deres rolle måtte være. Vores klienter engagerer os til at bistå med projekter, som sætter standarden i forhold til størrelse, kompleksitet og risikoallokering.

Plesners Entreprise-team er placeret i én faggruppe med Plesners Energi- og Infrastruktur team og Fast Ejendom-team. I denne struktur sikrer vi bedst mulig udnyttelse af synergieffekterne ved Plesners viden om opførelse, erhvervelse, drift, tvist og afhændelse af alle former for fast ejendom og infrastruktur til fordel for vores klienter.

Within Construction, Plesner is a first tier firm.

"Ability to understand complex issues and translate into actionable guidance and advice. Clear and concise presentation of claims and argumentation in litigation"

"Always available. Quick response. Proficient in understanding and addressing complex professional issues. Down-to-earth advice that considers the scope of the subject and the customer’s needs"

"Very accommodating and ready to take all matters seriously"

"Plesner has provided a 360-degree full service for us. They have a big back office and have efficiently provided us with the best knowledge in their legal house across the different specialties"
The Legal 500
Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Real Estate: Construction.

"The team at Plesner has strength and depth, is very experienced and is commercial in driving transactions forward" (2023)
2023 - 2024
Chambers Europe
Within Construction, Plesner is a first tier firm.

"Very professional team. Confident and friendly advisers, deal driven, accurate due diligence, strong legal base for negotiations, targets well achieved"

"Plesner have a strong team with specialists in all constructions matters, they are impeccable"

"They have the ability to comprehend complex challenges, and have a good sense of the construction market in general"
The Legal 500
Plesner is listed in "Tier 1" as regards Project Development.

"They were responsive, involved, knowledgeable and had good process management skills"

"Excellent commercial understanding"
"Highly professional, key insights, flexible and constructive. Allocates resources so the job can be done within agreed timeframes, to the point communication and although cases can be complicated, Plesner do not add to the complications"

"Quick, competent, quality conscious and business-focused team, they know their client and their law and the businesses, and pleasant people to work with"

"Always ready, quick to follow up on requests. Sharp and up to date on relevant legal issues"

"Always quick to see the big picture and understand complex issues. Nice to have the same point of contact. Good service in house and in all matters of correspondence"
The Legal 500
Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Real Estate Construction.
Chambers Europe
Plesner is listed in "Tier 1" as regards Project Development.

"High level across different fields of expertise" (2022)

"Plesner is extremely professional as a law firm. Its lawyers are world class and the firm has significant depth in terms of advisory experience and capability" (2021/2022)

"Clear, concise and commercially pragmatic advice" (2021/2022)
2021 - 2022