
In a number of situations the management of an undertaking or an authority may need to start an investigation into one or several issues in the organisation. This may have become relevant because there is a suspicion of criminal behaviour or other unacceptable behaviour, for example as a consequence of a whistleblower notice, public debate, coincidence, etc. An investigation may be relevant to the organisation which potentially is/has been involved in unlawful/undesirable behaviour as well as to the organisation affected by such behaviour.

Plesner has considerable experience in conducting legal investigations and advising clients who want to conduct their own internal investigations.

We regularly conduct large investigations for both undertakings and authorities and, due to our team of attorneys and professional advisors who are leading in their fields, including Data Protection Law, Dispute Resolution, Employment and Labour Law, Banking and Finance and Capital Markets, we are able to provide professional and sound advice matching our clients' specific requirements. We work closely together with our colleagues in Plesner's other practice areas and ensure high quality and interdisciplinarity in the investigation by including relevant regulation in the respective legal area(s). 

Plesner's team is experienced in project management, and when performing legal investigations our work is always based on Plesner's best practice which constitutes a supplement to the Danish Bar and Law Society's guidelines for legal investigations. This ensures high professional standards, impartiality and regard for the legal rights of the parties involved.  

We align expectations in terms of framework, extent and timeline and  advise on the pros and cons of using the various types of investigations. We advise clients as to which necessary measures should be implemented before, during and after the investigation. 

Some investigations will naturally take place at the same time as investigations by the police or another authority. If that is the case, Plesner also assists clients with the ongoing dialogue with such authorities. 

Our assistance with respect to legal investigations as well as internal investigations includes:

  • collection, storage, structuring and analysis of data;
  • preparation and conduct of interviews with affected and involved parties;
  • legal and actual analysis, including assessment of the risk of criminal/tort liability; 
  • conclusions and recommendations, reporting and advice on any duty of disclosure/publication and any input for press handling;
  • follow-up advice, processing of potential regulatory cases or civil cases as a consequence of issues identified in connection with the investigation; 
  • advice on client initiatives which may ensure a strong and sound corporate culture in terms of the future.