Corporate Criminal Law
Practice areaAt this time, commercial undertakings in Denmark have to navigate a complex legal landscape. Both at national, EU and international level there is a tendency for regulation to be stricter and more stringent in several legal areas, including capital markets law (securities trading, market abuse, insider dealing, market manipulation, etc.), competition law, tax law, data protection law, international trade, etc.
The growing focus on law enforcement has resulted in an added risk for commercial undertakings and other organisations to become subject to regulatory matters (administrative proceedings or criminal proceedings). Regardless of whether a regulatory matter is justified or not – and whether it is concluded without liability on the part of the relevant organisation – the matter will potentially involve numerous risks, including risks of a financial, regulatory and reputational nature. The same applies to individuals related to the organisation, in particular members of management, as both national and international authorities increasingly charge individuals.
Our corporate criminal law team assists clients by representing them/acting as defence counsel in regulatory matters, for instance if an organisation or a member of management is to be defended against a public authority or the police and prosecution service. We also assist in matters where clients wish to pursue potentially criminal conduct.
Under certain circumstances a regulatory matter will give rise to parallel or subsequent civil proceedings, including actions for damages. As coordination between various matters is crucial to the handling of our clients' defence, Plesner focuses on advisers having the required qualifications in both disciplines. Accordingly, the same team will assist the client through the entire proceedings, assisted by experts from Plesner's other practice areas.