Plesner launches anti-bribery and corruption e-learning programme

Plesner News
In recent years, the legal framework for corruption and bribery is being tested in both Danish and foreign courts. Corruption and bribery can have serious consequences for organisations in terms of reputational damage, business interruption and the risk of significant fines and compensation claims. Companies should therefore have a solid overview of their exposure to corruption in all parts of the organisation. Plesner has launched an e-learning programme that provides employees with a broad background knowledge on the topic.

Plesner's Anti-Bribery and Corruption ("ABC") e-learning does not require any special skills or knowledge of the subject. The course provides a general introduction to the relevant concepts and issues, and it can be completed flexibly, exactly when it suits the participant. The course takes approximately 35 minutes to complete.

The purpose of the e-learning programme is for employees to be able to identify possible grey areas and issues in relation to ABC in their daily work as well as obtain a basic understanding of the underlying concepts and principles in the regulation.

Read more about Plesner's anti-bribery and corruption e-learning programme