IP ret, lampe


Practice area
Immaterielle rettigheder stimulerer innovation og opbygning af virksomheds- og produktidentiteter. Plesner har Danmarks førende team, der rådgiver, når kritiske rettigheder er på spil, og når effektiv markedsføring skal navigeres gennem regulatoriske krydsfelter.

Innovation er en grundforudsætning for konkurrencedygtighed og samfundsøkonomisk vækst. Immaterielle rettigheder sikrer, at der både er et incitament og økonomisk fundament for at investere i udviklingen. Balancen mellem eneret og fri konkurrence er kompleks. Udvikleren skal belønnes for sit bidrag til fællesskabet, men det er i en markedsøkonomi også vigtigt, at andre end udvikleren selv får rimelig adgang til at gøre brug af ny viden og teknologi. 

Immaterielle rettigheder handler også om kommunikation og genkendelighed. De danner rammen for at opbygge en virksomhedsidentitet og forhindre andre i at snylte på de forventninger til virksomheden og dens produkter, som den har investeret i at opbygge. 

Kommunikation til kunder og mellem konkurrenter er i sig selv underlagt komplicerede regelsæt, som det er vigtigt at kunne afkode for at markedsføre og positionere sig effektivt. Kommunikationen er ofte en forudsætning for succes.

Det gælder også, når produkterne i sig selv er komplekse, hvilket ikke mindst gør sig gældende for både lægemidler og den øvrige life science-industri. Her pålægges virksomheder yderligere regulatoriske krav og begrænsninger i deres kommunikation, som det er kritisk at kunne navigere i.

I Plesners team for IP, Life Science og Markedsføringsret har vi det privilegium at bistå store og mellemstore virksomheder på de mest komplekse rådgivningsopgaver og tvister. Gennem langvarige og tillidsfulde relationer til vores klienter har vi en indgående forståelse for vores klienters kommercielle virkelighed. Vi fører retssager ved alle de danske domstole samt ved EU-Domstolen og bistår tillige vores klienter med administrativ håndtering af deres rettigheder samt med indgåelse af aftaler herom.

Plesner is recommended (Gold Band) in Denmark for enforcement and litigation.

"One of the best IP firms in Denmark, Plesner enjoys a reputation synonymous with excellence"

"The outfit has a proven track record for delivering efficient and flexible services that is tailored to meet clients’ specific needs"

"Its practitioners instil confidence through their transparent approach to prosecution and enforcement"
World Trademark Review
Within Intellectual property, Plesner is a first tier firm.

"Plesner’s IP team has exceptional technical understanding and in combination with their strong patent litigation foundation, they are unique in Denmark"
The Legal 500
Denmark Patent Disputes Firm of the Year

Denmark Copyright & Design Firm of the Year
Managing IP Awards
Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Intellectual Property.

"The lawyers are very responsive and provide succinct advice"

"The law firm has strong expertise in IP matters. The lawyers are pragmatic and client-focused, with strong commercial acumen"

"Plesner has a very experienced team with an excellent reputation. It is impressive in its handling of patent litigation matters in the life sciences sector"
Chambers Global
Plesner named "Trademark Litigation Firm of the Year for Denmark"
The Global IP Awards
Within Intellectual property, Plesner is a first tier firm.

"Plesner are the leading patent firm in Denmark. They offer a golden service to all their clients. They are a very integrated team. They help each other, are open to discussion and listen carefully, outstanding in cross-border cooperation"

"Plesner is undoubtedly the top team in Denmark for IP, and in particular life sciences patents disputes. They are at the top of their game with excellent work, and dishing out excellent advice. Hugely collaborative and a pleasure to work with"

"The IP team at Plesner really works as a team. The team’s involvement of external parties such as patent advisers and the management of the court cases is very professional and efficient"
The Legal 500
Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Intellectual Property.

"Plesner is the most well-placed law firm for pharmaceutical patent litigation in Denmark. It has a very good understanding of the pharmaceutical industry"

"The team provides top-rated client service and commercial awareness"

"The depth of the team's legal knowledge is impressive"

"The lawyers are very responsive and swift in making sure that they confirm our requests"

"Plesner is one of the best law firms dealing with complex IP matters"
Chambers Global
Denmark Patent Disputes Firm of the Year

Denmark Trademark Firm of the Year - Law Firms

Denmark Copyright & Design Firm of the Year

Europe Patent Litigation Team of the Year
Managing IP Awards
As the only law firm in Denmark, Plesner is ranked in Tier 1 as regards Copyright & Related Rights, Patent Contentious, Trade Mark Contentious and Trade Mark Prosecution - Law Firms.
IP Stars
Within Intellectual property, Plesner is a first tier firm.

"The IP Team at Plesner are always delivering high quality work in a relaxed trust-based atmosphere. Compared to other law firms in Denmark, they have a unique ability to understand the commercial setting in which their clients act"

"They can translate complex matters into advice that is easily understood and can be used internally to business stakeholders. All employees are highly skilled within their area of expertise and seniority and always act with high integrity and engagement regardless of the size and complexity of the assignment"

"The Plesner team stand out as the largest patent litigation team in Denmark. They are a preferred choice by several pharma brands and by many other patent owners, eg. within the food industry, hearing aids and many other tech areas. They are thorough, open-minded and innovative in their approach. I think they are excellent at what they do"

"Plesner’s IP team is a very skilled and at the same time pragmatic team. They are friendly, easy to work and communicate with and never over-complicate things"
The Legal 500
Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Intellectual Property.

"The Plesner team has an ever welcoming approach and a very high level of knowledge both of our company and of the IP regulation"
Chambers Global
Denmark Patent Contentious Firm of the Year

Denmark Copyright & Design Firm of the Year
Managing IP Awards