Mette-Marie Henrichsen
Mette-Marie is a life science regulatory and compliance specialist. She advises on Danish as well as EU life science regulatory and marketing compliance matters regarding medicinal products, medical devices, cosmetics, food and dietary supplements. Such advice covers, amongst other, issues relating to clinical trials, sale and marketing, prices, substitution and the relationship between healthcare professionals and pharma & medico companies. Moreover, she also has significant experience with issues relating to off-label recommendations, parallel import of medicinal products and medical devices as well as with advising clients on various digital health projects.
Furthermore, Mette-Marie has experience with IP and other life science specific agreements, including Clinical Trial Agreements, Research & Development Agreements, Licensing and Collaboration Agreements, Material Transfer Agreements and Non-Disclosure Agreements.
Besides, Mette-Marie also has experience with enforcement of patents, trademark rights and copyright as well as general marketing law, including injunction and preservation of evidence cases.
Mette-Marie is also co-author of Life Science Jura, 3rd ed, published by Djøf.