EU - og Konkurrenceret, loft med hængende stof

EU- og Konkurrenceret

Practice area
Plesners EU- og konkurrenceretsteam er markedsførende, navnlig i relation til komplekse sager, som involverer betydelige beløb. Vi rådgiver om både de danske og EU retlige konkurrenceregler, fusionskontrol, erstatningssager, offentlige indkøb, statsstøtte, FDI, FSR, UTP og P2B.

Teamet omfatter en række in-house økonomer med højt specialiseret økonomisk ekspertise, der er nødvendig for at håndtere den komplekse økonomiske tilgang til konkurrenceretten. Erfaringen har vist, at det tætte samspil mellem teamets økonomer og advokater skaber enestående værdi for klienterne, bl.a. i relation til de omfattende strategiske overvejelser, der f.eks. skal foretages i forbindelse med komplekse fusionskontrol-, kartel- og erstatningssager.

Vi har rådgivet i de fleste af de vigtige kartelsager, der har været behandlet af de danske konkurrencemyndigheder, og størstedelen af de EU-kartelsager, som har involveret danske virksomheder. Plesner er det eneste danske advokatfirma, som har deltaget i både EU-Kommissionens leniency-procedure og Kommissionens forligsprocedure i kartelsager. Vi har erfaring fra et betydeligt antal af de vigtigste sager om misbrug af dominerende stilling, bl.a. den hidtil største misbrugssag i Danmark.

Teamet har arbejdet på en række vigtige konkurrenceretlige erstatningssager, bl.a. Danmarks hidtil største kartelsag og Danmarks hidtil største erstatningssag vedrørende misbrug af dominerende stilling. Teamet har også været involveret i en række kartelrelaterede erstatningssager i udlandet.

Vi har oplevet en stigning i antallet af store og komplekse fusionssager, og vi har været involveret i de fleste af de seneste fusioner, der har omfattet danske virksomheder med EU og multinationale anmeldelser. Vores erfaring omfatter rådgivning om Danmarks største fusion nogensinde med EU- og multinational dimension samt en af Europas største investeringer i private placement regi nogensinde.

Within EU, Competition and Public Procurement, Plesner is a first tier firm.

"The Plesner team is highly skilled, business oriented and also very responsive and pleasant to work with. They manage to always display a great knowledge and provide to-the-point advice in relation to highly complex questions without taking too many reservations. The team excels in breaking down complex issues to manageable bite sizes and are always available and responsive"

"Solid advice in the area of competition law. Capacity and knowledge is good"
The Legal 500
Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Competition/European Law.

"The Plesner team is exceptional in handling very complex matters and making them tangible in bite sizes. The lawyers are structured and great at presenting complex advice so that it can be understood by both lawyers and non-lawyers"

"The team is made up of highly skilled competition law experts who are also strong on understanding the sector and the commercial side"

"We received very strong advice with a lot of business sense"

"The team are quick to understand the issue and we can always have a positive dialogue"

"I've worked with Plesner and was very impressed by how deep the team go into understanding the market. They go deep into the details and leave no stones unturned"
Chambers Europe
Within EU, Competition and Public Procurement, Plesner is a first tier firm.

"Very impressed with the competition law team, particularly their attentiveness and ability to prioritise urgent matters"

"Plesner offers thorough, sound and to the point legal advice"

"The competition law team with Plesner is second to none when it comes to high complexity antitrust litigation"
The Legal 500
Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Competition/European Law.

"The team provides deep insight into the laws and regulations"

"The Plesner competition law team is equipped to deal with any type of competition law matter"

"Plesner has a good commercial understanding paired with excellent competition law expertise"

"The lawyers are very service-oriented and provide high-quality advice"
Chambers Europe
Within EU, Competition and Public Procurement, Plesner is a first tier firm.

"Plesner is by far top of the list in Denmark with respect to competition law"

"They offer prompt, sound and to the point legal advice. Furthermore, they are thorough. We primarily use them for matters relating to investigations, syndicated loans and M&A"

"The competition law team at Plesner excel at their ability to convert endless complexity into bite-sized manageable legal questions"
The Legal 500
Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Competition/European Law.
Chambers Europe