Daniel Barry
Daniel focuses primarily on complex competition law litigations, including Danish and EU cartel and abuse cases, as well as Danish and multi-jurisdictional follow-on damages cases. His experience includes participation in the European Commission's leniency programme and settlement procedure, coordination of criminal and administrative procedures, and follow-on damages actions in various foreign jurisdictions. Daniel has participated in the filing of several negative declaratory actions, also known as "torpedoes", that Denmark had not previously employed in competition-related cases.
Daniel also advises on M&A matters, including Danish and EU merger notifications, multi-jurisdictional merger notification coordination, and M&A-related competition law issues.
Daniel is in charge of Plesner's team for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FRS) matters. He is Chairman of the Competition Law Committee under the Association of Danish Law Firms and Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Danish Association for Competition Law, and he is qualified to appear before the High Courts of Denmark.
Daniel always works in teams to achieve the best possible results for clients. In most cases, this includes both other lawyers and economists from Plesner's in-house economic unit.