Buying and selling

Buying and selling sites and areas form a cornerstone of our services, and we take pride in tailoring solution models for the project that is to be completed.

We have deep knowledge and understanding of the conditions and rules governing social housing organisations, including the operational procedures of the supervisory authorities and their approach to social housing and renovations as well as the tenant participation process. This knowledge is valuable regardless of whether we are advising social housing organisations or private players in relation to new developments and renovation of social housing.

We assist our clients when social housing organisations are to execute building projects in the form of new building, densification or renovation of existing housing. We negotiate and ensure the highest possible standards for price and contract terms in contracts of sale in order that our clients may have a secure and frictionless transaction from beginning to end.

Our advisory services include:

  • acquisition of property
  • project development
  • financing, including special subsidy schemes
  • procurement processes
  • applications for funding from the National Building Fund (Danish: skemasager) and regulatory approval
  • building projects
  • rules governing ancillary activities (Danish: sideaktiviteter) and ancillary activity companies (Danish: sideaktivitetsselskaber), including organisation of divisional structures and operation.