Forsikrings - og Pensionsret, stenvæg

Forsikrings- og Pensionsret

Practice area
Vores forsikrings- og pensionsteam skiller sig ud på grund af sit enestående branchekendskab og en bred vifte af kompetencer inden for forsikrings- og pensionsområdet. Vi har ført en række principielle retssager på vegne af større danske forsikrings- og pensionsselskaber og har rådgivet om alle regulatoriske aspekter, herunder transaktioner og omstruktureringer af større danske og udenlandske forsikrings- og pensionsselskaber.

Vores team har kompetencer både inden for generel og regulatorisk forsikrings- og pensionsret samt genforsikring. Vi yder rådgivning i forbindelse med retssager og konfliktløsning, udarbejdelse og forhandling af forsikringsformidlingsaftaler, forsikrings- og pensionsaftaler samt  udarbejdelse og ændring af forsikringsbetingelser. Vi rådgiver også om udøvelse af forsikrings- og pensionsaktiviteter i Danmark og porteføljeoverdragelser i forbindelse med omstruktureringer og fusioner.

Vores dybdegående kendskab til forsikrings- og pensionsbranchen kombineret med vores erfaring fra de vigtige sager, som vi har været involveret i, gør os i stand til at tilbyde rådgivning af højeste kvalitet. Denne ekspertise understøttes yderligere af vores aktive deltagelse i brancheforeninger som f.eks.  Det Danske Selskab for Forsikringsret, Det Europæiske Selskab for Forsikringsret (AIDA Europe) og Det Internationale Selskab for Forsikringsret (AIDA).

Vores store erfaring inden for branchen giver os en særlig indsigt, der gør, at vi sammen med vores klienter har mulighed for at finde frem til de løsninger, som er mest værdiskabende.

Within Insurance, Plesner is a first tier firm.

"Experienced and skilled lawyers, who provide high-quality legal services to their clients. They have an excellent track record of success and a deep understanding of the law in their area of specialization"

"Plesner has a lot of experience and a fine reputation"

"Highly skilled and professional lawyers. Substantial knowledge of each case, every detail has been assessed and dealt with"

"Their professionalism and thoroughness are of great value to our collaboration"
The Legal 500
Within Insurance, Plesner is a first tier firm.

"The team has the best possible skills. The team members always act competently, matter-of-factly and politely towards everyone, both clients and counterparties"

"Highest quality but still approachable and easy to talk to. The team is effective, knowledgeable and inclusive"

"Very professional and the collaboration works perfectly. Great knowledge in the field and always able to quickly give advice and guidance"

"They have great knowledge in the field and specifically about the products we deal with. Always well prepared and really good at sharing knowledge"

"Skilled at keeping a leash on matters and providing commercial legal advice, they are professionally skilled and good at seeing all pitfalls"
The Legal 500
Within Insurance, Plesner is a first tier firm.

"I know that the team is among the absolutely most talented lawyers in the industry. Furthermore, I know the lawyers in the team as extremely proper and sympathetic with a very high ethical standard"

"The insurance team at Plesner ranks as one of the top teams within the industry field. They have been and remain one of the most sought out top law firms within Insurance. They represent the largest insurance firms in Denmark and provide solid advice"

"The team at Plesner thrives with challenging disputes and complex cases and is able to handle all types of insurance cases with an outstanding professional attitude and overview. They are very easy to work with and have great personalities"

"Strong analytical and organisational skills. We are impressed by Plesner’s ability to coordinate and drive forward an insurance transaction of very significant proportions. In every contact we have had with the team, they have been on top of things and had a rational and pragmatic way forward"

"Market-leading team of insurance law specialists with the skills and the experience to deal with every single aspect of Danish Insurance Law and Tort Law"
The Legal 500