Facade, bank

Financial Services

Practice area
Den finansielle sektor har afgørende samfundsmæssig betydning. Reguleringen af sektoren afspejler den samfundsmæssige betydning og risici. Plesner rådgiver løbende om de mest komplekse regulatoriske spørgsmål og hjælper klienter med at navigere i den omfattende danske og EU-retlige regulering.

Den finansielle regulering er løbende blevet mere og mere kompleks og omfattende. Det regulatoriske landskab er under konstant forandring, og der er intet, der tyder på, at den trend stopper foreløbigt. Risiciene ved at drive reguleret virksomhed er som følge heraf blevet mere komplekse og vanskelige at mitigere. Manglende compliance kan medføre både omdømmetab og myndighedsreaktioner. 

Baseret på højt specialiseret viden opbygget gennem mange år hjælper vi vores klienter med at manøvrere sikkert gennem dette evigt foranderlige regulatoriske landskab.

Vi bistår med løbende rådgivning om compliance-mæssige spørgsmål, herunder om grænserne for reguleret og ureguleret virksomhed, ansøgningsprocesser og myndighedskommunikation såvel som tilsynssager på en række forskellige områder. 

Vi arbejder tæt sammen med vores klienter for at forstå deres strategiske mål og opnå disse ved skræddersyede og holdbare løsninger, hvor vi ikke kun har for øje at overholde loven, men også at minimere risiciene for omdømmetab samt at sikre en stabil drift under den gældende regulering.

Vi bistår alle typer af finansielle virksomheder og har været involveret i en lang række af de mest komplekse virksomheds- og samfundskritiske og betydningsfulde sager gennem årene.

Within Banking and Finance, Plesner is a first tier firm.

"Always ready and eager to help. Highly commercial and focused on solutions across cap structure, docs, negotiation etc."

"The team is highly qualified and very proactive in assisting the client. The lawyers are both knowledgeable and commercial, which is vital in transactional work"

"The practice produces quality work with efficient project management. Truly a pleasure to work with them"

"Good competencies across various offerings (M&A, financing etc.) and different sectors"

"A unique insight in the financial industry makes it very easy to be client of Plesner. Legal advice is always in the relevant context and in accordance with new legal requirements and practice"
The Legal 500
Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Banking & Finance.

"The team shows a great understanding of complex debt financing situations"

"Plesner are very knowledgeable in the area of financial services law"

"The lawyers always provide quick responses and good advice, and they have good a commercial understanding"

"The law firm applies high-level legal competencies while keeping a pragmatic and client-based focus at the same time"

"Plesner has one of the biggest and strongest teams in town"
Chambers Global
Within Banking and Finance, Plesner is a first tier firm.

"The best banking and finance team in Denmark. Expert knowledge with most matters and very business oriented"

"Very good expertise. The firm has a good ability to combine the expertise of the different lawyers who provide relevant and complete advice"
The Legal 500
Plesner is listed in "Tier 1" as regards Banking and Finance.

"Organised and structured, very fast, and our preferred law firm in Denmark"

"They have been very service-minded and easy to deal with. Very constructive in their approach"

"Solution-orientated, pragmatic, not overcomplicating, available"
Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Banking & Finance.

"The team has a highly rated commercial awareness and client service, and is great at delivering to budget"
Chambers Global
Within Banking and Finance, Plesner is a first tier firm.

"Hands-on and always up to date on market conditions"

"The team was professional and dedicated 24-7 – through the whole process. Very solution-oriented and to the point. Easy to work with. They made us feel we were in control"

"We did a refinancing project starting in one direction. And after many turns, we ended in a different corner. The Plesner team was capable of handling all the different structures and stakeholders in a strong, professional and positive way"

"Well composed, talented team. High availability and swift turnarounds"

"Plesner’s finance practice is probably the best in Copenhagen and consistently delivers high quality work regardless of the size of the transaction"
The Legal 500
Plesner is listed in "Tier 1" as regards Banking and Finance.

"Provides high-quality advice with a clear understanding of the client's business and need"

"Highly commercial approach, second-to-none market insights and swift responses"

"Good knowledge and insight of relevant precedent documentation for the relevant financial sponsor. Overall kept a great overview of a fairly complex transaction with various deal-specific peculiarities"

"The banking and finance team of Plesner is very knowledgeable and experienced within a broad range of financing types. They are very approachable and deliver excellent service"

"The firm is very much up to speed with the latest trends and developments within the loan market on legal aspects and operates in a flexible and efficient manner, which is needed on the processes" (2021/2022)
Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Banking & Finance.
Chambers Global
Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Banking & Finance.

"They deliver consistently high-quality work and they have good people"

"Deliver valuable advisory services"

"Laud their understanding of the loan market"
Chambers Europe