Plesner facade


Meet Our Board and Management

Plesner is organised as a partnership of lawyers ("Advokatpartnerselskab"). Our partners appoint the board of directors.

The board is responsible for defining and implementing the firm’s overall strategies, including major initiatives and investments. As Plesner’s primary decision-making body, it supervises the overall performance and strategic progress of the business.

Day-to-day management, focusing on our business development and strategy implementation, is handled by the managing partner and our COO.

Our employees

Our goal is to be exceptional together

Plesner is firmly grounded in integrity, trust, and top-tier expertise. These virtues have set us apart and propelled us forward.

Our corporate culture is defined by a deep-rooted team spirit, and a strong emphasis on trust and collaboration. We earn trust and credence by carefully listening to the needs and dreams of our clients and by responding with exceptional solutions and uncompromising dedication.