The Unified Patent Court

UPC - The Unified Patent Court
With the Unified Patent Court or the UPC, there is now as of 1 June 2023 a single European court with local and/or regional divisions which will decide on cases concerning unitary patents and traditional European patents with effect for all participating countries. UPC's competence also extends to supplementary protection certificates based on the two types of patent.

However, cases involving national patents and utility models still belong under the national courts.

In addition, the UPC Agreement will allow certain types of decisions made by the European Patent Office in Munich concerning its administration of the unitary patent to be reviewed by the UPC.

Patent holders will benefit from the system in that it is now easier to enforce patents all over Europe. The downside for patent holders is that it is also easier to revoke patents with effect for all countries where they apply.

The UPC was established by the UPC Agreement. Annex 1 to the UPC Agreement is the Statute of the UPC. The UPC Agreement lays down a general framework for the UPC and its organisation. It is left to the UPC itself to lay down its own Rules of Procedure.

UPC Taskforce

Plesner has set up a dedicated UPC specialist team. Our UPC Task Force advises on all aspects of the UPC and the new unitary patent.

Plesners UPC Taskforce