Jef Nymand Hounsgaard
Jef is a partner in Plesner's Tax team, specialising in tax controversy and complex advisory work.
Jef has extensive experience in a wide range of tax matters involving both direct and indirect taxes, from the audit stage through administrative appeals and court proceedings, including the European Court of Justice. Notably, teams led and co-led by Jef has successfully represented clients in several high-profile transfer pricing disputes.
Additionally, Jef is well-versed in all aspects of tax advisory work related to the structuring and management of private equity and other investment fund structures.
Whether in dispute resolution or advisory services, the complexity of the projects Jef undertakes invariably requires a collaborative team effort, often involving other partners and cross-disciplinary expertise.
Jef has a Master's degree in Law from the University of Copenhagen and has lectured at the University of Copenhagen as well as on an ad hoc basis, including lectures for employees at the Danish Tax Agency.
Jef has also published a number of articles on tax related issues.