Jyske Finans acquires Opendo's private leasing and fleet management portfolio

Case News
Jyske Finans and Opendo have entered into an agreement for Jyske Finans to acquire Opendo's private leasing and fleet management car leasing portfolio. Plesner acted as legal advisor to Jyske Finans.

Opendo is a leasing company providing leasing services to a wide range of banks. With the acquisition, Jyske Finans strengthens its position as one of Denmark's leading players in the car and van leasing market.

Closing of the transaction is subject to customary regulatory approvals. 

Plesner's core M&A team on the transaction was Henrik Rossing Lønberg, Anne Kathrine Horup Roug and Anne Vorup.

Read Jyske Finans' press release (in Danish)