The Pre-Moot will serve as preparation for the oral arguments in the 32nd Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot and will thus be based on the problem of the Vis Moot and conducted under the same rules.
The arbitrators will be experienced practitioners from Denmark and abroad.
We look forward to welcoming both mooties and arbitrators at Plesner's offices in Copenhagen on 27 March - 28 March 2025.
Spots are limited, and the Plesner Pre-Moot team will carefully select 10 teams. Register early to increase your team's chances of being chosen.
Key Features
The key features are:
Rounds of Argument
Each team will conduct five rounds of oral argument with scoring (similar to the "General Rounds" in Vis Moot) and a final (sixth) round for 1st and 2nd place - which this year will take place in our auditorium with the other participants as an audience to mirror the finals in Vienna. Each team will thus plead in at least five rounds (regardless of the team's score) and plead at least twice as Claimant and twice as Respondent.
The participating arbitrators in the Pre-Moot (three for each panel) will all be experienced practitioners in the field of international dispute resolution, and they will provide feedback after each of the first five rounds of argument.
The two teams with the highest overall scores for the first five rounds will meet each other in the final round for 1st place and 2nd place. The third place will be awarded on the basis of the scores in the first five rounds. There will be prizes for the top-three teams and a prize for the best oralist.
The results will be announced - and the prizes distributed - at a reception held at Plesner at the end of the two-day event.
Day 1, Thursday 27 March 2025
- Three Rounds of Argument ("General Rounds")
- Social event
- Dinner (3 courses)
Day 2, Friday 28 March 2025
- Two Rounds of Argument ("General Rounds")
- Finals for 1st to 2nd place
- Reception
For the detailed programme, please see the invitation on the left-hand side of this page.