Sampo plc completes dual listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen

Case News
Today, Sampo plc has its first day of trading on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S in connection with its dual listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S, which is carried out as part of the completion of Sampo plc's recommended voluntary exchange offer to the shareholders of Topdanmark A/S.

In connection with Sampo plc's recommended voluntary exchange offer to the shareholders of Topdanmark, Sampo plc applied for its A shares, including the new A shares offered in the exchange offer, to be admitted to trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen.

Following the listing of the new shares on Nasdaq Helsinki on 17 September 2024, today marks the first day of trading of the Sampo A shares on Nasdaq Copenhagen. The Sampo A shares are tradeable on Nasdaq Copenhagen in the form of share entitlements.

With the listing of Sampo plc's A shares on Nasdaq Copenhagen, the Sampo A shares are now dual-listed and tradable on both Nasdaq Helsinki and Nasdaq Copenhagen as well as on Nasdaq Stockholm in the form of Swedish Depository Receipts.

This important milestone strengthens Sampo plc's presence in the Nordic market and provides Danish investors with easier access to Sampo plc's shares.

Plesner is proud to have acted as Danish legal counsel to Sampo plc in connection with its listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen and its recommended voluntary exchange offer to the shareholders of Topdanmark.

Plesner's core team in relation to the dual listing and the recommended voluntary exchange offer was led by Nicolai Ørsted and Janus Jepsen and also consisted of Micha Fritzen, Lynge Daugaard Jensen, Kasper Erikslev Lolk-Hansen, Marcus Franzpötter, Nima Daniel Saadatmand and Marcus Nimmo Allerup Bogh from Plesner's Capital Markets team.