Duty to provide information

Duty to provide information as set out in article 21 of the Code of Conduct of the Danish Bar and Law Society.

Plesner Advokatpartnerselskab is located at the following address: Amerika Plads 37, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø

We can be contacted by telephone + 45 33 12 11 33, by fax + 45 33 12 00 14 and by email plesner@plesner.com

Our CVR No is: 38 47 79 35

Plesner is a limited partnership company (Advokatpartnerselskab)

Plesner has client bank accounts with Danske Bank, Nordea, Nykredit Bank and Jyske Bank.

In the event of the bankruptcy of a bank, the depositors are covered under the Depositor and Investor Guarantee Scheme. The guarantee scheme covers registered deposits up to an amount equivalent to EUR 100,000 (approximately DKK 750,000) per depositor. The maximum amount covered applies to the total deposit in the bank, even if the funds are deposited in different accounts, including in both client bank accounts and own accounts.

Special rules apply to deposits as a result of transactions relating to real estate if such real estate has been used primarily for non-commercial purposes or is intended primarily for non-commercial use. The guarantee scheme covers amounts up to EUR 10 million (approximately DKK 75 million) for a period up to 12 months from the date on which the amount is deposited, and irrespective of whether the deposit stands to the credit of a separate account. You can find more information about the guarantee scheme on the website of the Guarantee Fund www.gii.dk.

Plesner's lawyers are authorised by the Danish Ministry of Justice and are members of the Danish Bar and Law Society.

All Plesner's lawyers are subject to Plesner's professional indemnity insurance and a guarantee scheme taken out with Codan Forsikring. The professional indemnity insurance covers all legal services provided by Plesner's lawyers, regardless of where services are being rendered.

As set out in Plesner's Business Terms, any dispute between a client and Plesner is subject to Danish law and the jurisdiction of Danish courts. Read Plesner's Business Terms.

Plesner has joined the code of conduct (advokatKODEKS) of the Association of Danish Law Firms (Danske Advokater). Read the code (in Danish) at www.advokatkodeks.dk.

Plesner's lawyers are subject to the Danish Bar and Law Society's supervision and disciplinary system and to the rules on professional conduct, see section 126 of the Danish Administration of Justice Act. In addition, the Code of Conduct of the Danish Bar and Law Society applies. The rules that apply specifically to the practice of law can be found on the website of the Danish Bar and Law Society www.advokatsamfundet.dk.

In case of a dispute in terms of fees charged by Plesner and/or dissatisfaction with the conduct of one of Plesner's lawyers, the client may file a complaint about the amount of the fee and/or such conduct with the Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar and Law Society, Kronprinsessegade 28, 1306 Copenhagen K, Denmark www.advokatnaevnet.dk.